FOXYLIGHT was created by Swiss product developers, engineers, photographers and filmmakers to develop a mobile accessory light for photography and videos primarily used with smartphones that is superior and easier to use than existing light solutions
Their patented magnetic smartphone holder was key to their goal. After years of rigorous testing around the world (Zurich, Murten, New York, London, Xiamen, Kuala Lumpur) and successful trials across multiple industries FOXYLIGHT is now ready for the world.
There is a rising demand across industries for easy-to-use tools that elevate and facilitate image content creation for digital marketing and e-commerce. Existing lighting solutions on the market however are antiquated and limited. FOXYLIGHT closes the gap between professional and smartphone photography enabling anyone to take amazing photos & videos anytime and anywhere.
Fully engineered and designed in Switzerland, FOXYLIGHT is a state-of-the-art compact, mobile, elegant and easy to use lighting device that will revolutionize the art of visual storytelling.